Saturday, July 12, 2008

DATA TYPE Interview FAQ's

What is Reference type and value type ?

Reference Type:
Reference types are allocated on the managed CLR heap, just like object types.
A data type that is stored as a reference to the value's location. The value of a reference type is the location of the sequence of bits
that represent the type's data. Reference types can be self-describing types, pointer types, or interface types

Value Type:
Value types are allocated on the stack just like primitive types in VBScript, VB6 and C/C++. Value types are not instantiated using new go out of scope when the function they are defined within returns.
Value types in the CLR are defined as types that derive from system.valueType.

A data type that fully describes a value by specifying the sequence of bits that constitutes the value's representation. Type information for a value type instance is not stored with the instance at run time, but it is available in metadata. Value type instances can be treated as objects using boxing.

What is Boxing and unboxing ?

The conversion of a value type instance to an object, which implies that the instance will carry full type information at run time and will be allocated in the heap. The Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction set's box instruction converts a value type to an object by making a copy of the value type and embedding it in a newly allocated object.

The conversion of an object instance to a value type.

Value type & reference types difference? Example from .NET. Integer & struct are value types or reference types in .NET?

Most programming languages provide built-in data types, such as integers and floating-point numbers, that are copied when they are passed as arguments (that is, they are passed by value). In the .NET Framework, these are called value types. The runtime supports two kinds of value types:
[In heap]
• Built-in value types

The .NET Framework defines built-in value types, such as System.Int32 and System.Boolean, which correspond and are identical to primitive data types used by programming languages.

• User-defined value types

Your language will provide ways to define your own value types, which derive from System.ValueType. If you want to define a type representing a value that is small, such as a complex number (using two floating-point numbers), you might choose to define it as a value type because you can pass the value type efficiently by value. If the type you are defining would be more efficiently passed by reference, you should define it as a class instead.

Variables of reference types, referred to as objects, store references to the actual data.
This following are the reference types:
[in Stack]
• class
• interface
• delegate

This following are the built-in reference types:

• object
• string

What is difference between constants, readonly and, static ?

Constants: The value can’t be changed
Read-only: The value will be initialized only once from the constructor of the class.
Static: Value can be initialized once.

How big is the datatype int in .NET?

32 bits.

How big is the char?

16 bits (Unicode).

How do you initiate a string without escaping each backslash?

Put an @ sign in front of the double-quoted string.

What data type should you use if you want an 8-bit value that's signed?


Speaking of Boolean data types, what's different between C# and C/C++?

There's no conversion between 0 and false, as well as any other number and true, like in C/C++.

Where are the value-type variables allocated in the computer RAM?


Where do the reference-type variables go in the RAM?

The references go on the stack, while the objects themselves go on the heap.

What is the difference between the value-type variables and reference-type variables in terms of garbage collection?

The value-type variables are not garbage-collected, they just fall off the stack when they fall out of scope, the reference-type objects are picked up by GC when their references go null.

How do you convert a string into an integer in .NET?


How do you box a primitive data type variable?

Assign it to the object, pass an object.

Why do you need to box a primitive variable?

To pass it by reference.

What's the difference between const and readonly?

You can initialize readonly variables to some runtime values. Let's say your program uses current date and time as one of the values that won't change. This way you declare public readonly string DateT = new DateTime().ToString().

What's the advantage of using System.Text.StringBuilder over System.String?

StringBuilder is more efficient in the cases, where a lot of manipulation is done to the text. Strings are immutable, so each time it's being operated on, a new instance is created.

Can you store multiple data types in System.Array?


What's the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone()?

The first one performs a deep copy of the array, the second one is shallow.

How can you sort the elements of the array in descending order?

By calling Sort() and then Reverse() methods.

What's the .NET datatype that allows the retrieval of data by a unique key?


What's class SortedList underneath?

A sorted HashTable.

What Is Boxing And Unboxing?

Boxing :- Boxing is an implicit conversion of a value type to the type object type

Consider the following declaration of a value-type variable:
int i = 123;
object o = (object) i;
Boxing Conversion

UnBoxing :- Unboxing is an explicit conversion from the type object to a value type
int i = 123; // A value type
object box = i; // Boxing
int j = (int)box; // Unboxing

What is Value type and refernce type in .Net?.

Value Type : A variable of a value type always contains a value of that type. The assignment to a variable of a value type creates a copy of the assigned value, while the assignment to a variable of a reference type creates a copy of the reference but not of the referenced object.

The value types consist of two main categories:
* Stuct Type
* Enumeration Type

Reference Type :Variables of reference types, referred to as objects, store references to the actual data. This section introduces the following keywords used to declare reference types:
* Class
* Interface
* Delegate

This section also introduces the following built-in reference types:
* object
* string

What actually happes when you add a something to arraylistcollection ?
Following things will happen :

Arraylist is a dynamic array class in c# in System.Collections namespace derived from interfaces – ICollection , IList , ICloneable , IConvertible . It terms of in memory structure following is the implementation .

a. Check up the total space if there’s any free space on the declared list .
b. If yes add the new item and increase count by 1 .
c. If No Copy the whole thing to a temporary Array of Last Max. Size .
d. Create new Array with size ( Last Array Size + Increase Value )
e. Copy back values from temp and reference this new array as original array .
f. Must doing Method updates too , need to check it up .

What is Boxing and unboxing? Does it occure automaatically or u need to write code to box and unbox?

Boxing – Process of converting a System.ValueType to Reference Type , Mostly base class System.Object type and allocating it memory on Heap .Reverse is unboxing , but can only be done with prior boxed variables.

Boxing is always implicit but Unboxing needs to be explicitly done via casting , thus ensuring the value type contained inside .

How Boxing and unboxing occures in memory?

Boxing converts value type to reference type , thus allocating memory on Heap . Unboxing converts already boxed reference types to value types through explicit casting , thus allocating memory on stack .

Why only boxed types can be unboxed?

Unboxing is the process of converting a Reference type variable to Value type and thus allocating memory on the stack . It happens only to those Reference type variables that have been earlier created by Boxing of a Value Type , therefore internally they contain a value type , which can be obtained through explicit casting . For any other Reference type , they don’t internally contain a Value type to Unboxed via explicit casting . This is why only boxed types can be unboxed .

What is the difference between structures and enumeration?.

Unlike classes, structs are value types and do not require heap allocation. A variable of a struct type directly contains the data of the struct, whereas a variable of a class type contains a reference to the data. They are derived from System.ValueType class.

Enum->An enum type is a distinct type that declares a set of named constants.They are strongly typed constants. They are unique types that allow to declare symbolic names to integral values. Enums are value types, which means they contain their own value, can't inherit or be inherited from and assignment copies the value of one enum to another.

public enum Grade
What is Value type and refernce type in .Net?.

Value Type : A variable of a value type always contains a value of that type. The assignment to a variable of a value type creates a copy of the assigned value, while the assignment to a variable of a reference type creates a copy of the reference but not of the referenced object.

The value types consist of two main categories:
* Stuct Type
* Enumeration Type

Reference Type :Variables of reference types, referred to as objects, store references to the actual data. This section introduces the following keywords used to declare reference types:
* Class
* Interface
* Delegate

This section also introduces the following built-in reference types:
* object
* string

What is the difference between structures and enumeration?.

Unlike classes, structs are value types and do not require heap allocation. A variable of a struct type directly contains the data of the struct, whereas a variable of a class type contains a reference to the data. They are derived from System.ValueType class.

Enum->An enum type is a distinct type that declares a set of named constants.They are strongly typed constants. They are unique types that allow to declare symbolic names to integral values. Enums are value types, which means they contain their own value, can't inherit or be inherited from and assignment copies the value of one enum to another.

public enum Grade

What is the difference between string and String ?

No difference

What's the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder classes?

System.String is immutable, System.StringBuilder was designed with the purpose of having a mutable string where a variety of operations can be performed.

Why string are called Immutable data Type ?

The memory representation of string is an Array of Characters, So on re-assigning the new array of Char is formed & the start address is changed . Thus keeping the Old string in Memory for Garbage Collector to be disposed.

What is the difference between typeof(foo) and myFoo.GetType()?

Typeof is operator which applied to a object returns System.Type object. Typeof cannot be overloaded white GetType has lot of overloads.GetType is a method which also returns System.Type of an object. GetType is used to get the runtime type of the object.

Example from MSDN showing Gettype used to retrive type at untime:-

public class MyBaseClass: Object {

public class MyDerivedClass: MyBaseClass {

public class Test {

public static void Main() {
MyBaseClass myBase = new MyBaseClass();
MyDerivedClass myDerived = new MyDerivedClass();
object o = myDerived;
MyBaseClass b = myDerived;

Console.WriteLine("mybase: Type is {0}", myBase.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("myDerived: Type is {0}", myDerived.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("object o = myDerived: Type is {0}", o.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("MyBaseClass b = myDerived: Type is {0}", b.GetType());


This code produces the following output.

mybase: Type is MyBaseClass
myDerived: Type is MyDerivedClass
object o = myDerived: Type is MyDerivedClass
MyBaseClass b = myDerived: Type is MyDerivedClass

What is the difference between CONST and READONLY?

Both are meant for constant values. A const field can only be initialized at the declaration of the field. A readonly field can be initialized either at the declaration or in a constructor. Therefore, readonly fields can have different values depending on the constructor used.

readonly int b;
public X()
public X(string s)
public X(string s, int i)
Also, while a const field is a compile-time constant, the readonly field can be used for runtime constants, as in the following example:
public static readonly uint l1 = (uint) DateTime.Now.Ticks; (this can't be possible with const)

What is the difference between ref & out parameters?

An argument passed to a ref parameter must first be initialized. Compare this to an out parameter, whose argument does not have to be explicitly initialized before being passed to an out parameter.

What is the difference between Array and Arraylist?

As elements are added to an ArrayList, the capacity is automatically increased as required through reallocation. The capacity can be decreased by calling TrimToSize or by setting the Capacity property explicitly.

What is Jagged Arrays?

A jagged array is an array whose elements are arrays. The elements of a jagged array can be of different dimensions and sizes. A jagged array is sometimes called an "array-of-arrays."

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